Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Should I Vote For Your Man?

This election year I have recieved several pieces of mail from the Republican Party of Virginia. Not one piece of litterature mentions McCain or Palin except for their websites. All it does is say why we shouldn't vote for Obama. This is the message I sent I can'r wait to read the response I get if any.

"I would like to start by saying that, although I will not be voting republican this year, I do have a lot of respect for McCain and I believe that it is sad how poorly his supporters are representing him. Let's start with you. I have recieved my 3rd piece of mail from you. Not one item has his picture on it. Not on item lists his platforms, what he stands for, what he believes in. It all just bashes Obama. It's ok to have a stance against your opponent, but don't you have anything else to say? Growing up, I was always warned against friends/aquaintances that make them feel better about themselves by putting others down. Instead of highlighting your candadate's qualities you're focusing on your apponants problems. And it's not just you. I hear it on the radio and the tv, too. It's kind of childish. What's worse is that it reinforces the anti-American/anti-constitutional/anti-democratic activities of those that threaten and harass Obama and his supporters. Two young men were discovered having plotted to assassinate Obama and black people in general until they are caught and killed if they have to. Or the email saying that republicans are to vote on tuesday, and democrats are to vote on wednsday. This is reminiscent of countries where dictators rule. And people that partake in this kind of activity/thinking are anti-democracy. They are no better than the people in countries that we are historically at war with who kill the supporters of the opposing party. Is that the kind of country in which we live? When I've spoken to republicans, their first argument is Obama this and Obama that. "Obama is anti-gun." Ok, so what is McCain's stand? Better yet, what's his running mate's stand? We all know, she has no stand because she is utterly clueless. By sending me literature about why you think Obama should not be president, you have failed in convincing me that McCain should. At the very least, you could send me something telling why Sarah Palin should be let anywhere near the White House if she couldn't even tell you what the Vice President does!"

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