Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kimya Who?

I am so not writing about writing in my blog. Or am I?

So, I was looking through other people's blogs as I am tempted to do when I need a break from the daily grind. What grind you ask? Well, I don't know either 'cause I really am not doing much. Writing, studying, stuff. But I need a diversion from nothing once in a while. Anyway, I came across this music player in someone else's blog and it was playing this song that totally caught my ear (does anyone say caught my ear? well, I did.) So I listened to it a few times, looked up the lyrics, sang along. It was fun. So then I googled the artist. Aparently she's an antifolk songstress, whatever that means. But this one song I loved too much not to share. It's not the one from the blog, but just as, if not more interesting. And how does this relate to writing? It does, I promise. I now want to pick up a guitar, learn to play, grow out my natural hair into a big afro again (I promise, I did have a big afro once) and write really cool songs like this one. Hope you enjoy.

Ok, so I couldn't embed the video into my blog. You will just have to go to youtube yourself, please and enjoy these two songs.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I had to, just for a moment, wonder away from my usual banter about writing to give you guys a treat for your funny bone. Well, I thought it was funny. I may get in trouble for posting it here as I do not have permission to use this photo. Well, not in trouble, but it may get pulled. Or not; I don't have a whole lot of traffic to this sight. Who'd know? Anyway, it has delighted me to notice over the years that those in the fitness industry (something that very much interests me) have moved away from tanning their entire bodies and leaving their faces pale for competition. For those of you who do not know why they ever do it in the first place, a nice tan makes your muscles really pop. You can better see deffinition and striations if there are any. Although it has always been and still is rather ugly and over done, or the colors are unnatural, it is nice to see that people are starting to use tanner on their faces, too. This makes the overall affect less comical, I think. But this picture that I found recently really gave me pause, before laughing hysterically. Ok, maybe not that hard. But I did think it was funny. My question is, why would someone go through the trouble of tanning his face and neck but completely neglect his ears? It's just funny to me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Not Writing a Screenplay Right Now, But How?

I have been straying away from my Jonathan L. project for some time now. I've needed a break from my screewriting. I've also needed to explore other genres. First thing was that I started writing was a horror story that I have been telling for years. This is actually old news, but I haven't written here since May 18th! I'm such a slacker! Anyway, I started a story a little while ago that was inspired by a forumite. I just suddenly got the idea to write down this story that I've had in my mind about how to get rid of my husband's body should I actually kill him. And of course, how to kill him.

It was going great. I was submitting sections of the story in 1000 word spurts. I originally thought that it would only be about 1000 words, but I am on Part 5 and every part has been +1000 words. But the best part is that I got a lot of good feed back by the critiquers in the forum.

Now for the worst parts: The story is extremely disturbing. Apparently not by those that are reading it on It has been kinda difficult because the story contains a lot of nonfiction. There are a few things that didn't really happen, my husband's death being one of them. But the main characters being me and my ex husband, it makes it very difficult to seperate myself from the story and write it without letting my emotions and my stomache getting in the way.

The other problem is that I have been writing a screenplay for so long that I am having trouble writing from someones point of view. No first person, no getting inside of someones head. Even using past and future tense is becoming a challenge. One of the most important critiques that I recieved is that they want me to get into my main character's head. It's not only difficult for me to do that because it's not the kind of writing that I would do for a screenplay, it's difficult because that main character is me. And if you read it, you would be just as scared as I am to journey too deep inside of my head.

I wrote another "horror" short story for the Friday the 13th contest that has been extended for the second time to the 20th. It could be so much better if I could write it in first person from the main character's POV. But I no longer remember how to write like that. The story is already written, but I would like to rewrite it before I submit it because it could be so much better.

I think that what I will try to do is spend the good part of tomorrow reading short stories so that I can rewrite with a fresh understanding of how to write like that again.