Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Welcome To Myself and To My One Day Readers

This is my first post to my blog. I have no more time so I will have to make this short. I will write more tomorrow.

This is actually the second blog that I have ever created. I used to blog in myspace. I liked that because people would generally read it because I convinced the friends that I already had there to subscribe. I would then write pieces that involved them or were about them. For example, for Christmas, 2006 I gave a digital gift in the form of a picture or something written to everyone who subscribed to my blog. It was always an attempt at something humorous that would be a private joke between the two of us. Or it would be a very public and/or obvious joke that anyone would get. But in the long run, they were hand picked gifts specifically for the receiver.

This blog, however will be dedicated to my writing. I am currently writing a script that I have been working on since at least 2004. It was originally only 14 pages and I was planning on producing it myself. But upon further consideration, I realized that much of it did not make sense. For one thing, there was scifi in the end that was never justified in the rest of the story. So it took me several years to write a back story that was satisfactory to me. I completed the back story on March 17th. It was my 3rd attempt. I completed the script for the back story just 3 days ago. Now I am working on rewriting the original script to fit in with the new back story and to make it feature length. The goal is 90 pages.

I also have at least 3 other stories that I have been working on over the years that I have never completed. I will most likely use them as short fiction rather than screenplays. I would like to complete this first screenplay, get it over with and then work on the other stories. I mean, it's been forever!

Lastly, I would like to explain the name of my blog. Down Off the Dragon. It starts with a joke:

When I was in high school I was a Future Farmer of America. Vocational Agriculture. Every year we had Vo Ag day where we would set up all of our animals and tractors and plants, whatever. We'd put it all on display and kids from schools all over the county, and of course our own school to look at our displays.
Well, inevitably, we'd get the kids that were 4H kids. And for some reason, the 4H kids thought that they were better than us. I think that it was because a lot of FFA kids were just there for the extra science credits or because they wanted to go to my school instead of the local public school where ever they lived. While the 4H kids were genuinely interested in farming and had been since they were 2.
So, this one 4H girl comes up to me, and honestly, I don't remember what she was saying. But it occurred to me that she thought that she knew much more about animal husbandry, or whatever, than I did. And she probably did. But I did not let that stop me.
I say to her "You know a lot about horses, don't you?"
"Well, of course I do. I've been riding horses since I was four!" Or something like that. Very snooty.
So I respond "So...I guess you know how to get down off a horse, then, don't you?"
This must have pissed her off because then she got really huffy. "Of course I do. That's stupid."
I looked at her here, very seriously. And said "But you don't get down off a horse, you get down off a duck."
And of course being the better farmer than I was, she understood that perfectly and stomped off for being made a fool of.

The down off the duck joke has always been one of my favorites, especially since this day. So when I started "Producing" images and writing, I started calling my company DOTD or Down Off the Duck. But I've recently changed it to Dragon because of the dark fantasy theme of most of my writing. Also, I've called myself a dragon forever. First of all, my high school mascot was a blue dragon and because my Chinese horoscope says that I was born the year of the dragon. So it is a combo of both.

Ok, I said that this would be short. So i will end it here. Hopefully I will see(?) you later. Come back soon.

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